Prepaid Account Without Transponder

Enjoy Savings Even Without a Transponder

This type of prepaid account is available for those who don’t want to use a transponder, but still want to avoid receiving invoices and paying the highest toll rates. This option is also called “registered plate,” because the license plate is registered with the RiverLink system.  

To get started, simply set up a prepaid account and provide the following information about each vehicle you want to register: make, model, year, color and license plate number/state. The savings start as soon the account is opened.

Note: The frequent-user discount is NOT available with this account type.

Saving Is Easy With RiverLink



Open a Prepaid Account  

You can set up your account online, by phone or in person at a RiverLink customer service center. 

Learn How to Get a Transponder


Keep Positive Account Balance  

Auto-replenishment makes it easy to pay the lowest toll rates and never receive an invoice. 

Learn How Auto-Replenishment Works 

Start Saving Today