Prepaid Account With Transponder
The Way to Pay the Lowest Toll Rates
A transponder is an electronic device that typically is placed inside the front windshield of a vehicle, near the rearview mirror, and is used to detect crossings on a tolled facility. There are two types of RiverLink transponders: a RiverLink local transponder and a RiverLink E-ZPass transponder. Compare Transponder Options
To get a transponder, simply set up a prepaid account. The savings start as soon the account is opened and vehicles are registered. Have this information handy for each vehicle you want to register: make, model, year, color and license plate number/state.
A personal account can include up to four vehicles. A commercial account can have unlimited vehicles. More About Account Types
Already Have an E-ZPass Transponder from Another Tolling Agency?
The E-ZPass transponder will work for the Louisville-Southern Indiana tolled bridges. However, it will not qualify for the RiverLink frequent-user discount.
Account Types
There are three types of RiverLink accounts available:
- Personal accounts can include up to four vehicles. The minimum balance to open an account is $20, regardless of the number of vehicles.
- Commercial accounts do not have a limit on the number of vehicles. The minimum balance to open an account is $20 per vehicle. More About Commercial Accounts
- Government accounts are available to federal, state and other government entities that complete a government account application. This application has a special approval process and requires a W-9 or a letter of exemption for those entities without a W-9, as evidence of eligibility. Approved government accounts are required to have a transponder in their vehicles. They are charged the transponder rate, but are allowed to post-pay their tolls. There is no limit on the number of vehicles that can be added to a government account.